Momondo provides you an overview of the cheapest, fastest & best flights

Momondo searches across hundreds of airlines and travel sites, from major booking sites to individual company sites, to give you as many cheap airfare options as possible

Momondo has maintained its status as a non-biased cheap flight finder. Their flight metasearch engine shows how important it is to do a comprehensive flight search using Momondo to find cheap tickets before you take out your credit card to buy.

Momondo is an aggregator that searches for the best airfare across the web. Without adding fees, Momondo pulls in data for your selected route to show you all available flight options. These results are highlighted by the cheapest, quickest, and best.

Momondo searches over 1000 airlines, online booking sites, travel agencies, search engines, and other online travel discount sites. This is more than double and, in some cases, triple the number of sources used by typical booking sites.

Which brings us to this fact, Momondo isn’t a booking site. It’s a metasearch engine whose function is to return airfare data without steering you toward one set of results over another. Once you find the flights you’d like, Momondo redirects you to that booking website.

Unlike many online booking sites, Momondo includes small, budget airlines and lesser-known airlines as it works to find the lowest airfare. Ever heard of FlyScoot? No worries, Momondo has. Even better, Momondo shows Southwest flight results which many other travel websites do not.

In test after test, Momondo came up with the cheapest airfare 95% of the time! Google Flights may come out ahead of Momondo in search speed, but Momondo is much more nuanced with all the details you need to choose the best cheap flight.

You can do a basic airfare search with Momondo just as you would on most travel websites.

Enter your departure and arrival airports, along with the dates and number of passengers. You can even select “Nonstop only” if you’d like to filter out flights with connections. When searching for the cheapest flights, the more flexible you can be, the better! 

Click on the calendar icon to enter your dates to see a color-coded calendar dropdown. You’ll instantly be able to see cheaper dates than others before starting your search. You can even click on “exact” next to departure and return to change the search to +/- a number of days instead. 

Momondo will display the results in a matrix-style grid so you can see the lowest prices and on which date combinations. Scroll down below the matrix to view the details of each flight option, beginning with the lowest-priced flight.

The Momondo flight search tool never adds fees or works with third-party sites which can add to the cost of your flights. The results you see have been compared against millions of data points from around the web. When you use aggregator and metasearch website Momondo instead of a standard online booking site, you can feel confident about the price you paid for your airfare.

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